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If toxic masculinity was real, then children raised without men would be the happiest and most successful children, and women living alone without men would not be on every anti-depressant known to humanity.

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@AnungIkwe Nah, I like the fact that the womens bathroom has been abolished. Its well deserved after women destroyed every single male space.

@Tfmonkey Hypermasculinism is the solution to effeminate soyboy soyciety.

And for anybody who thinks this is fake, heres the wayback machine.

Emily Goldstein was mostly telling the truth here (except for her claim of being white). This agenda to genocide caucasoids has been decades in the making.

@shortstories Thats already happening. But due to Americas manufacturing base being gutted, production of new F35's are being delayed.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.