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Memes often only show the footsoldiers in the war.
Aim for the heads of the leaders. Jews work for them.

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Engineer boosted

@Druid I always like to take these chimpout video's and add the Donkey Kong Jungle Japes soundtrack, and typically the music syncs up pretty well.

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@inakah I refuse to believe that gypsies are worse than niggers. There's just no way. I've never seen a gypsy riot, loot, burn cities down. I don't hear of gypsy gangs that have terrorized cities for decades, or of drug dealing, they aren't shouting that they are victims and deserve reparations. All the gypsies do is gyp people by scamming them, and maybe a little theft and fraud here and there. I've never seen a single European city brought to ruin by gypsies like the nogs have Detroit and etc.

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Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

Medusa deserved to get her head cut off because she was ugly.

Woman Detected: Opinion Rejected
Tattoo Detected: THOT Ejected

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Engineer boosted

Pedophilia is real, and its here. It is why I believe in violence and torture. Pedophiles are not human, they are chaos demons and we must purge them from reality. Death for them can not come soon enough. No amount of hatred is to be reserved when smiting pedophile filth. I will engineer, forge, and wrought new, terrible weapons for the express purpose of exterminating pedophiles. We will crush the skulls of pedophiles with more vigor and loathesome hatred than a space marine slaughtering xenos!

God hates poor people because they wouldn't be poor if he loved them.

@Tfmonkey Here's proof that the communists dont care about the environment. Proof that they are just trying to monopolize energy.

Engineer boosted
engineers design shit like this so they'll break right after warranty
so much for being sustainable
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.