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Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey Regarding Venezuela and oil, Venezuela has a resource called Orimulsion. Its made from bitumen. They have a lake of Bitumen that contains 1,300 billion barrels, which is more hydrocarbons than all the crude oil reserves in the world combined. Orimulsion is a direct substitute for diesel and is very cheap. Its only real disadvantage is its high viscosity at low temperatures, which is true for all diesel fuels.

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Engineer boosted
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Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

fresh meme from the meme oven.

For when boomers and zionists causally suggest that America/Israel should use its nukes.

Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted
"How did you escape the gas chamber?"
"I walked backwards out of the room."
"You mean you turned around and walked out?"
"No I walked backwards and no one noticed me."

If there is any doubt that christianity was created by the Jews to cuck the goy into slavery, let that doubt subside today.

Ben Shapiro and the entire ethnostate of Israel on the beheaded babies:

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.