
fresh meme from the meme oven.

For when boomers and zionists causally suggest that America/Israel should use its nukes.

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@Tfmonkey We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children


I am not saying people should nuke Israel

But if people nuked the counterfeit temple in Israel and turned Israel and Palestine into a glass parking lot

then it would

Prevent wars in the middle east

Reduce the number of people United States owes money to

Eliminate the primary source of funding for drag queen story hour and the illegal immigration of violent people

Lower the number of cases of mohel induced circumcision herpes

Lowering taxes and lowering violent crime rates


"then after the air bombing more than ten thousand nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles were used until all the sand turned into glass and the cursed counterfeit so called ancient temple over which the conflict occurred was destroyed so completely that not one brick could be found standing on another and not a single object could be found that could with certainty be identified as part of that building.

After this there was peace at last in Laeris"


@Tfmonkey apparently russia has ai drones that can lock on and finish off a target. Usually when the drone are approaching a target reception gets wacky so this fixes the issue. I'm sure china helped

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