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here is the original one. I color corrected the merchant face and added more topical terms.

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"Everyday 500 million people in India shit in the open."

@Tfmonkey Hello TF Monkey.

I have a 30,000 square foot warehouse. I would be willing to buy and store physical oil on your behalf. I also have a source for good crude oil to purchase and hold. If you're interested let me know. Thanks.

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@Tfmonkey Regarding Venezuela and oil, Venezuela has a resource called Orimulsion. Its made from bitumen. They have a lake of Bitumen that contains 1,300 billion barrels, which is more hydrocarbons than all the crude oil reserves in the world combined. Orimulsion is a direct substitute for diesel and is very cheap. Its only real disadvantage is its high viscosity at low temperatures, which is true for all diesel fuels.

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