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@Tfmonkey To add to your corn lobby thing, the only reason ethanol is put in gasoline is because of the corn lobby. Ethanol does technically slightly increase the octane rating, but its not effective in reality. Methyl tert butyl ether is whats actually increasing the octane rating of gasoline. Additionally, the ethanol absorbs water and rusts/destroys your engine from the inside out, and it damages/cracks your rubber seals over time. The corn lobby is horrible.

The more diverse the government becomes, the less competent and thus threatening they become. Therefore, "diversity" should not only be encouraged, but made mandatory until every single employee of the government is a black woman.

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@Tfmonkey I would also like to add that the problem with hydrogen isn't that it takes heavy tanks to store (you're thinking of methane/natural gas). The problem is that hydrogen can't even be stored in a tank at all (it literally passivates through any material). So you need to store the hydrogen in materials called hydrides. The problem is that all the hydrides that actually work well are illegal because they are critical components to thermonuclear bombs thus are ITAR materials.

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@Tfmonkey Electric trucks don't make sense even with a hotswap battery. Tesla's semi-truck's total weight is 33% heavier empty than a diesel truck. Thats 33% less products being shipped per truckload, which means 33% more labor, 33% more trucks, more overhead, etc. This is because a truck can't legally weigh more than 80k pounds.

All hydrocarbons get most of their energy from their hydrogen content, the carbon is just there to make it chemically stable. Synthetic hydrocarbons are GOAT'ed.

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Sometimes you don't need hard evidence to gauge what is true. Sometimes a hunch is good enough.

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