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I would say a Freudian slip, but this is just a blatant confession.

But remember, if you're proud of your German, or Irish, or Italian, or whatever European ancestry, you're evil.

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@Engineer - I think they just want some of that sweet, sweet kingdom of heaven & eternal life. And they don't care who gets hurt in the process, or how.

Their pursuit of virtue for the sole purpose of heaven, makes them some of the worst people you'll ever meet.

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@Tfmonkey on Obesity

(Sorry about the watermark but we're on a tight budget here at bagel studios.)

Every time I meet a reactionary on the alt-right that is also a christian. They are walking paradoxes.

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Engineer boosted

Germany did great during the Great Depression because, ironically, they embraced free market capitalism.

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Engineer boosted

You heard it hear folks a nigger thinks every other nigger is a criminal just for being a nigger

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.