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Oh no, whatever shall we do about the demonrats stealing elections and the republicucks doing nothing about it? What would our ancestors have done?

Our Ancestors:

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“I’m going undercover as a woman; to find out what they go through every day”

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The Fermi Paradox is tied directly to White Pathological Altruism. Normie Whites simply cannot understand, and cannot be made to understand, that They Are Not Like Us.

For humanity to travel space will require the imagination to look up in the night sky and see potential, combined with a list of other required natural abilities; mathematics, engineering, ambition, determination, ruthlessness, subtlety,.... on and on and on.

The differences between the races are why they can't understand. If you give niggers 10,000 years to develop, they're never going to become spacefarers. The Chinese are supposedly very intelligent, but their internal drive is limited to "Get Rich", and nothing else.

The formula used by Fermi does not account for just how few people on Earth would be capable of doing it, ever. Of 8 billion people, how many could plausibly make a trip to Mars happen? 1?

Will Elon Musk live through the coming collapse?

Will anyone on Earth give a shit about spacetravel when they're starving to death and embroiled in civil war?

Fermi lacked adequate realism in his fantasies.
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More historical accounts the white nationalist controlled opposition movement "Christ is King" won't talk about.

From priest to SS officer, Albert Hartl:

"Close personnel entanglements exist in all countries between Church and Jewry. Important Jesuits and leading personalities of the church were in the most diverse times pure-blood Jews, and even today priests and pastors who are pure-blood Jews are active on both the Catholic and the Evangelic side."


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David Cameron: Iran attacking Israel was "reckless"

Journalist: What would Britain do if our consulate was flattened?

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@Tfmonkey Technically Antarctica is human habitable because the penguins can not adapt or cope to man as a predator, and neither can the leopard seals. You would have to go prepared and with proper shelter and a good source of sustainable energy and a means to maintain that energy. It would be the safest location in a nuclear war You also wouldn't have to worry about barbarians or cannibals. Living in Antarctica would also be like living in hell. A great way to keep leftists away.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.