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@Tfmonkey I suspect Russia and Iran might be stalling because they are waiting on the outcome of the US election. Trumps a deal maker and likely would attempt to negotiate for peace. From their perspective this makes sense because they can advance the BRICS agenda without armed conflict. If Harris steals the election (again) I suspect then we will see escalations.

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Paul Graham trying to explain every woman you've ever met, to exclude your mother, your sister, your daughter if you have one, or the person you're currently sleeping with if you have one, as I am sure that those wonderful women are the exceptions.
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Europe: Imports immigrants to support the welfare state
Immigrants: become leeches upon said welfare state, thus accelerating its collapse.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

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Dugin argues the globalist West has left no democratic path for the ordinary West to affect the course of politics, and 2024 has to be the year of overthrowing governments.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.