
You guys have any hobby ideas? If I'm honest along with work I'm pretty burnt out on a lot of what I do. I wanna try some new things.

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Yeah, I read a good bit now. I wsnt to get stuff more physically integratable in my life. Ideally something with a sort of community/social involvement. Working out I have a hard time getting into for enjoyment's sake. Maybe shit to listen to while I do it.

@FinalDresdonation reading up on history, cooking, horticulture, minimalist lifestyle, weight training, strength and conditioning training, target shooting and firearms.
All expensive hobbies but the point is to incorporate it into your life.
Once you've mastered one, you can delve into others.

@FinalDresdonation Try watching cooking videos. I often watch different street foods around world.

You can start reading murim or other types of manhwas.

Maybe try new language.

Another thing can be some new skills. Be it gardening or survival skills like YT channel Primitive Technology.

Reading books can be interesting too, But it is better to start with something interesting to you. Some books can be boring when they have not interesting content or someone bad writing style.

@FinalDresdonation Probably look in to club, course or workshop in your area. Be it martial arts, sports or skills like blacksmithing, beekeeping, woodworking or pottery.

@Stahesh I am gonna look into this too. I have had my eyes on the conservation club. I have the cash so I should just do it and some more.

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