I do not think Russia and Iran are going to attack because some diplomat or politician that is not the ayatollah or guy who would direct the war gets killed. It is not a good look, but it isn't like they're face tanking tons of shit to their cabinets or necessary infrastructure. It is my beleive that they want the US & Israel committed in a war against Hezbollah. Iran is not a proxy and has internal factions that would devolve into civil war if their critical infrastructure went to shit.

@FinalDresdonation Exactly,they want to cause chaos with Markists in Iran,Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, (MEK) Us has backed this group of Markist Iranian Muslims and used them against Iran from every administration since Reagan



@Scubbie This is in part why I think they are slow and careful. Just like hyperinflation making people homeless and destitute war can produce the same conditions. Iran isn't some monolith demographically/ideologically. They have a lot of internal stuff that can pop off. This is why I am convinced they are waiting on Hezbollah to take the first blows and for Russia to move more assets into Syria.

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