I've been checking their form and there's a lot but why not lol.

@LysanderMooner I would like to use the blood of my enemies but maybe next year lol just kidding. Don't hurt people.

@Gonzo17 where do you think I source mine? The oops end up in my salad 🤷‍♂️

@Gonzo17 - I know my thumb got a lot greener when I started adding lots of compost. For season1, I added a couple cubic yards to a plot, for 3-4 inches of coverage. That was a bit excessive In hindsight, but the harvest was phenomenal.

Anyhow, it looks like you're in the southwest, judging by the soil... 🤔 Seems like a lot of clay and sand on camera, and more organic mass would probably benefit immensely.

Cheers, and Good Luck! 🍻


Can you grow

Edible Chia Seeds
Non GMO Soy Beans
Sunflower Seeds

And make a video of how to do it

@shortstories good idea I started this I should stick with it the dirt here sucks but I got some ideas.

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