@Gonzo17 @VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Will they be able to add bugs to food products and label them as vegan or vegetarian or as vegetable products?

Will bugs be listed as natural or artificial ingredients that do not contain the word bugs?

@shortstories @Gonzo17 @Stahesh I don't have Big issue with bug consumption people already eat Bugs almost daily if the eat crabs, shrimps or lobster. I don't eat it myself cause polution in water but if some stuff have little amount of bugs I won't lose my mind Over that.

@Gonzo17 @VeganMGTOW @shortstories same thing say about meat🤣

Any thing that is not plant and dairy is good for my body that wants animal based food.

So I do not mind bugs had one time pack of fried crickets pretty much tasteless would add more salt IMO

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @shortstories I guess we can't eat anything maybe we should do photosynthesis.

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