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October 7th is the day Nato plans on using the long range missiles into Russia. Source: Military summary channel on YT @Tfmonkey

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This is one of the of things that urks me about the right. Was the MH370 flight highly sus and hijacked and we were lied too about it. Probably yes, but I highly doubt it was "zapped" "Teleported" by some anti gravitational orbs. It's like the Hawaii fires all over again

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Image sums up Christian slave morality destroyed the west. We need to bring back Sol Invictus.

Man seeing all these countries like Iran, N.Korea and Serbia gearing up for fucking. And then seeing this in my own country. Fuck me we deserve to be conquered.

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The older the source you get the more reliable it is.
Hence why gabbers are fags as they represent the United States of Amnesia
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The masculine urge to leave society and live in the mountains like the troll the internet made you to be.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.