@Tfmonkey The Right just shot a protestor in TX and the govt is going to pardon him. So the right is violent...

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Since all of our cells are replaced in our bodies every 7 to 10 years haven't you died already??? What would be the difference in replacing all of your cells with nanobots every 7 years???

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Just saying another country on the continent went bankrupt doesn't prove anything lol. I love you TFM but sometimes...

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Moreover Botswana is not backed with western currencies for example and you sing their praises

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel What I am stating is that France should have nothing to do with Africa in the first place. Zimbabwe and Hiati are also shit hole countries.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Did you know about the CFA and how France exploits Africa for billions of euros each year? This is how the French are able to have these 35 hour work weeks and 3 hour lunch breaks because the US is paying for their military and Africa is subsidizing their welfare state. The fake news media never talks about this..cadtm.org/Africa-How-France-Co

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey They will gaslight everyone and if you ask questions they will put you in jail with THE RESTRICT act or something similar. Just like how they are gaslighting everyone about commodities...

@Tfmonkey When we go to war with China in 2024 2025 it seems that we will just cancel our debt to them to lower our $30 plus trillion dollar debt. Then the Fed will be able to increase interest rates above the CPI to break inflation. I don't know who will buy our debt by then tho... lol. What do you think???

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey Don't worry about it. We will be in the Gulag soon enough and the gummy worms will be a blessing in disguise 🥸 🙏 LOL

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey You need to leave! I am gone! About to buy a place...

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel looks like the Catherdal is coming after Clarence Thomas so they can take the Supreme Court...

@Tfmonkey Why do you talk to white nationalists? They talk about white replacement theory because they want a race war because they are stupid. They think they will curb stomp minorities. They don't know war is random death. They are like Karens complaining about pickles on their burger. It is not the pickles, they want to start drama and feel the power, Will to Power nothing else. Why else wouldn't they just buy a 500-acre farm and start a village like you said???

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