
why do people keep repeating that jews are the god's chosen people? the were chosen by A god, not THE god. one of many of that time. secondly, they betrayed, abandoned and lied to their "god" multiple times. calling them the chosen people is utterly ridiculous.

@Zeb @Justicar I could sight over a dozen or more "In the Bible",proof that they are not God's chosen people but usurpers who deceitfully stole the Identity by taking over the rituals thry infiltration , just like they have done other religions,governments and factions,but the damage is done so the only wisdom to gain is to know thine enemy

@Zeb i did not say they were not chosen at one time. i said it is ridiculous to keep referring to them as such. it'↨s like having a player that is number 1 NFL/NHL/NBA pick of 2024, and then you keep referring to him as such for the next 50 years. if you chose your new hammer, do you keep referring to is as your chosen hammer until the end of times? of course not. it's pure word sorcery and manipulation.

@Justicar They betrayed a Jew (assuming it even happened), they didn't betray their god. But the Judeo Christian viewpoint is that they were god's chosen people until that point, then Christians became the chosen ones. And some even claim Jews are fake Hebrews and Christians the real Jews.
It's all utterly ridiculous, but that's religion for you.

As for why they keep calling them that, it's because Christianity is Judeo. No one loves Jews and did more for them than Christians.

@Justicar Quite a few of us who don't follow modern, feminized, dispensationalist Christianity. They tend to be "truther" types who figured things out on their own. Naming the Jew, a lot of us are also at least partial preterists, if you want another crazy rabbit hole to follow.

Bottom line -- we don't seek WW3 like most modern Christian churches teach. We don't believe in a future rapture and are wise to Jewish fuckery.

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