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@mutageno2 they did the same with turks in the 80s and 90s and now they are a caliphate judst like austria

MGTOW works on exponential scale. it starts slow, then it explodes out of nowhere. this is worldwide phenomenon, worldwide response to modern gynocentric family-hating societies.

FED cuts interest rates, finally.

insert "the stock goes up" meme.

if you use the word "toxic" and it is not in a sentence talking about a physical poison, you will get bitch-slapped.

@RegalBeagle also, probably bought directly from aliexpress so it has the original chinese android installed from the manufacturer and not one fro EU markets. then i will install some independent android in it anyway.

@RegalBeagle i got my current samsung phone only because it was a gift. but when i will be looking for a new one, it will be xiaomi or huawei.

@Mr_Mister @Tfmonkey "A fire started in Toropets, Tver region, as a result of falling debris from a drone that was repelled by air defense forces" yeah, absolutely not. A debree would not trigger explosions.

I want to go on a vacation but the flight is almost 5 hours. No way i can survive that long without going crazy. 2h to 2.5h is my limit. Shit.

@mutageno2 show the picture of that judge

@Tfmonkey as i child i remember the topic of a taboo was prevalent in the culture. people were never supposed to talk about politics for example. they rather did it behind the backs of people and mostly in pubs. looking back, yeah, this allowed bad things to progress trough the society because people kept ignoring the elephants in the room.

every single online community has been infiltrated by faggots, furies, transformers, feminists... and if you want to point it out and talk about it, everyone is like "shhh", don't start a flame war or any controversy. and they shut you up or kick you out. they rather succumb to the degeneracy than stop the infection. i think this reflects the white replacement perfectly. avoiding controversy at the cost of self preservation. and then you have politics like israel vs palestine, russia vs ukraine

i'm not sure what i hate more - jews or writing tests.

but, i think this is just the government looking for ways to tax people to pay for all the ukraininan aid the politicians sent away without any say of the nation(=theft).

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i just read that we'll be getting higher tax rate on books because, in the words of our minister of finances: "books are domain of rich people". so.. tax the rich. i can't even...

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