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$400M loss is probably the third largest GWGB loss after Budweiser and Harley Davidson

saw a bit of first episode of penguin. looks like a white man in black world, trying to make it. what a joke.

or going to see a blockbuster in cinema. those were the good old days.

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I miss those times in my childhood when getting a McDonalds, Pizza, ice cream or things like that used to be an event. Like it was christmas. As adult, i do not have those moment any more. I can buy any of those things but the joy is gone since it lost its uniqueness.

@RegalBeagle my ancestors didn't had to sit, motionless, behind a computer 10 hours a day. every day. they had to hunt for food to, you know, survive. we live in a very different times. little bit of excessive fat is not out of the ordinary for the life in a modern society. is it healthy? depends on how much you're overweight but it is not the end of the world.

@Lorgar men are waking up. people often wonder home come more men are not seeing the world for what it actually is. it is simply because of the upbringing. people were raised in certain way with certain views and values. it takes decades, if at all, to change their views. younger men today see it clearly and mature men are waking up. it cannot be stopped. "modern" society is done. but it will still take decades to collapse and new ways can take place. but as women become desperate simps will ↗

notice that women that want to destroy patriarchy admit patriarchy built everything. but they do not offer alternative. they do not seek to build anew. they just want to destroy all there is.

so, nato wants direct war with russia by 2030 after it rearms and increases military personnel.

@Based_Accelerationist tfm's self-isolation caused him to live in an echo chamber for years now. but i get that threat of doxing is very high and very real. and he's too much of a prima donna to go on other people's channels. like even the red men group, or whatever its called, with clarey, rollo... is too much. he could be doing stream with blackpilled after he woke up from the jewery, better bachelor, sandman.. whomever. but nah. comfort lies in things we know and control.

there is no political solution. civil war will sweep through europe before 2050

I do not like NAZIs. Because they were socialists instead of capitalists.

@dander there are two other similar, smaller, channels that give you more value. but i do not remember them any more :D

@dander he is selling his services. he will never say anything of value. all his videos are just a waste of time. i have been watching him years ago until i realized this. it's a waste of time. and he is running out of clients as well. he used to work only with multimillionaires but nowadays he dropped his tag line altogether.

@I_AmTheKnight said what? his mouth keeps making various shapes but nothing of substance comes out.

I think that 22nd century will be most transformative cenury for the human race. I think we will finally kill communism, socialism and class warfare. We will learn and accept true history and origins of human race and religions and we will become inerplanetary species.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.