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i used to keep up late and watch these as soon as they got uploaded to torrent sites. good times.

best programmers keep saying rust is not good. and i believe them.

in case you were ever wondering, everyone can sing. it's just a matter of practice, like anything else.

@mutageno2 india is mostly weird because of lack of meat/protein in their nutrition. they are essentially the largest vegan nation on the planet. of course they do eat meat, but only twice as much as ethiopia which is essentially nothing

The word "lady" seriously needs to be banned from manosphere nomenclature.

A former US navy(iirc) guy with PTSD(he talks about it in other videos) moved to rural Russia, got married, bought land for 10k and is building a house for another 30k. And is living the life.

@Scubbie CBDC is supposed to be used only by the banks, not people. pushing it onto people will never happen because the world does not have a free internet with 100% coverage of the entire planet. beside, even if that would be the case, convenience always wins so sooner or later people would ditch it for barter to new made up fiat currency/some kind of trusted notes issued by private companies.

@RodrickSage that's impossible. asians have the highest IQs.

i randomly clicked on this video, surprised what has been said. even jews were talked a lot about. might be worth watching

"The new American dream is renting a 2 bedroom apartment and taking care of a single mom"

- yt comment

@sardonicsmile fuuuuck that. i'd rather climb those insanely tall radio towers to change the light blub than this.

@sardonicsmile a) is happened while docked, b) we do not really know it sunk. only that there were some ships around. seems fabricated. wion news is indian and india has a lot of animosity towards china. i would completely block that entire channel because it will most likely be full o fake news.

There are no strong female characters. There's only childhood impression. Yes, even Ripley and Sarah Connor.

@pepsi_man @sardonicsmile that's really not enough to offset what they did in the past 70+ years.

Russia selling Alaska for 1$ must have been the worst trade in history.

Iran will never go to war with Israel. Iran does not have a land army for such a war. They are all about rockets, drones and air defence(provided by russia).

I remember months ago Ritter said Ukraine is running on 30% of power. There is no way they will survive winter. So it makes sense to expect Ukraine will surrender before Christmas.

@TenaciousGoat we saw two weeks ago that japan cannot save itself from inflation caused by printing yen at no interest rates. the international financial system would not allow it. it just does not matter who is the president of japan when japan is not a sovereign country(ever since WW2). the only way they can save themselves is to default on western debts and go balls deep into BRICS, immediately. They have no other options to save their economy and standards of living for their citizens.

What would happen if I would shout "Heil Lenin" at a bunch of lefties, would their brains explode? 🤔

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