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@mutageno2 so she got shitface drunk, passed out in a park, got raped and somehow those dicks were too much to bare so she died? even though there was no psychological distress. i highly doubt that was the cause of death. if she passed out, at 37, in a park, it was most likely alcohol poisoning.

@sardonicsmile i think she explained it quite well. marriage is work. it's not some blissful thing to be part of with endless days of happiness. it's like a job. it is logical, not emotional, arrangement. when you live with flat mates, is it emotional? no, it's logical arrangement that works for all involved parties. marriage is the same.

is the expression "holy shit" so popular because it is the most blasphemous expression someone could have come up with and it was an act of defiance of the religiousness of the time? i find it very weird that people talk like that. not that i have not used it, but my english is mostly based on american movies and television, so it's not my fault i speak like a ghetto nigger sometimes, instead of english aristocracy.

it makes perfect sense that people do not want to have kids these days. in the past, you could put them to work by age 8 and they were pulling their own wight and were an asset. But today, they won't pull their own weight, maybe even up to their 30s when they finally graduate with some worthless piece of paper and then will struggle to get by for another 10 years.So indeed, children are a liability these days. But it is not their fault, the society is simply broken.

@RodrickSage yesterday show was that bad? i turned it on for literally 2 minutes before halsey started his shtick and i was out.

@mutageno2 the label "surveillance video" is in english so this can be only UK, maybe Ireland. that does not mean "european stores". not even close.

@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey

TFM: This time, Iran did not warn USA before the attack.
Halsey: Wrong.

Facts - Iran notified Russia beforehand, USA after they launched.

Halsey: 🤥

@Tfmonkey not worth listening to with Halsey and his scheming in it. He could pull that jew crap off on other topics but not when Iran and Israel are actively at it. It's laughable hearing his lies, yet time-wasting.

the fact that sloths have not gone extinct for being easy prey, or the useless koala bears that live off a single type of tree shows you that even the laziest and most useless people will always have a place in the society...for some weird reason.

it is well known that gingers don't age well. seems Alyson Hannigan got lucky with the genes.

@Mongoliaboo the goyim is spilling the beans without even realizing. lol.

Justicar boosted

100 buildings were more or less damaged by the attacks in israel. like i said, iran just jizzed a little bit and that was it.

i know many men in the past were awaken to the shit sandwich that is the deal of the modern society, rat race and female nature. but those were mavericks of their time. today, we are witnessing awakening on a global scale. we are part of generation(s) what will actually do something about it within our life time. nobody knows what that will look like. but we're in this together, all of us. right now. something for the history books is coming.

@Mr_Mister one nuke would vaporize the entire populated land. i would not worry about nuclear response. especially if you accompany the nuke with couple of bunker busters. but i think the location would make Mediterranean Sea unsafe for a while.

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