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Devon in his last insomnia stream is dropping insane black pills around 1h50m talking how whites allowed non whites to exist and i am just speechless hiw right he is. The stream is the watermelon something from yesterday.

that is why higher education makes sense only for doctors or maybe lawyers and alike.

@Stahesh what i also hate about modern laws is that "lack of knowledge of law does not excuse you from breaking it". like ,what the actual fuck? why are we not taught laws in school then?

Or when justice should be blind(equal to all), yet we have "exemplary cases". what the actual fuck?

the entire modern society is merely house of cards that is barely holding together. hence why there are so many normies. if you start to question anything and not go along with the illusion, it all collapses.

i have been alive for couple of decades and during this whole time, I cannot say I have ever saw the government as my friend or as something positive and trustworthy or helpful.
I think that is quite an alarming situation.
But people just got used to it, it became normalized and that ignorance allowed government, any government, to get more corrupt and more dystopian and controlling and to treat the people, whom it is supposed to serve, as essentially cattle to use and trade with other ranchers.

DEI means the society is infested with incompetent people in positions of power they are unable to wield. Such society is guaranteed to collapse.

Anyone promoting inclusivity essentially also implies abandonment of meritocracy.

FBI raided Scott Ritter. Soon they will come for TFM as well 🤔

English folk should be using "factually" rather than "literally". It will ease the confusion and drive the point stronger for other people.

@Based_Accelerationist politics. On high level like that, emotions must go aside.

I have written a gangster themed short, i have translsted it into my native language in a workable manner, i wrote pilot script for a tv show, i wrote pilot script for another show and second and part of third episode while having entire season's storyline but it is all pointless. It is all about pre luck, connections and right place and time...still good experience learning to write actual scripts. Not recommended if you are not in US anyway.

I guess Russia will soon replace National Socialists of German ethnicity in movies as the new catch-all/placeholder bad guys... what will all the pseudo-history museums and "amusement" parks do then? Come up with a new scam for tourists? Probably.

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