I'm sure feds are keeping tabs on who's watching this
@ButtWorldsMan should all left voting women be subject to public sexual forced diversification by the criminal aliens they invite in?
@shortstories fascist Abe
@deprecated_ii easier to steal from delivery when all food returns are an auto refund😆
@shortstories it's not culture, it's opportunity. Women have been proven to have fewer children the richer and more richer and educated they are regardless of culture.
Look at Iran, which is a theocracy with morality police, but the women work and earn their own money so their birthrate is shit even with a strict abortion ban.
Meanwhile orthodox jews and the Amish have 7-10 kids per family.
This isn't rocket science. It's just that women's rights are too sacred to question.
@shortstories was a pagan hero character created by Rome to pacify the jews
@Zeb most vaccinated country too, Allahu ackbar
@shortstories how are feminism and Judaism connected
@shortstories he's been saying net taxpayer voting system lately too
@shortstories @VeganMGTOW the argument isn't to free all domestic animals but to stop breeding them into existence for the purpose of exploitation when unnecessary for self preservation
@shortstories @mrhorsetwat @Stahesh are you making the case for Alaska? Sure if you can cut it in Russia, I'm sure Alaska works
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian