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Aldous Huxley knew that groupthinking is a drug so powerful people give up their soul for it

@Tfmonkey can you please share that Scott Ritter clip or direct me to it?

I learned something recently about how "Social Studies" came to be a thing. Apparently, the government was trying to make up for all the damage that was being done with the destruction of the family. So thanks to one problem created by our government, we now have a mind numbing and pointless class called "Social Studies."

I would have much preferred we just had real subjects like history instead. Even in Kindergarten and 1st grade I realized that Social Studies sucked, but now I know why.

Tags: quote, cia, feds, subversion, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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Tags: jews, race, whites, politics, anti_white, bolshevism, communism, marxism, leon_trotsky, racism, words
Source: The booru is down for now
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Is iran the biggest funder of state terror or AIPAC?

But I thought trump drank deeply from the jew cum chalice?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.