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Tags: rhetoric, jews, jewish_power, russia, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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Tags: quote, twitter, jews, race, whites, anti_white, hollywood, media, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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Does Aaron Clarey really think he's gonna move to Japan?

He seems way too arrogant to learn a foreign language lol
Couldn't handle the Philippines at all either

I setup a new partition on my hard drive to run Linux as soon as I saw that windows 11 copilot ai
My friend said you can turn it off tho

Tags: rhetoric, twitter, jews, jewish_power, jewish_privilege, race, whites, anti_white, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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@Tfmonkey so you can be my father in law and my wife simultaneously?

Throw a used sex toy in there and you got grandkids otw😭

The return of Jesus Hitler will never come, even Hitler grieved Islam's loss of Germany to Christianity and said Islam was perfectly suited to the German temperament

Muhammed Hitler has to come

@LysanderMooner It all depends on which side wins this war. So far, the Jews have survived everything thrown at them whereas their enemies have all been utterly subverted and eradicated. Islam is a spinoff of Christianity, which itself comes from Judaism. Both spread ideals useful to Jewish interests and both are deeply infiltrated. But I'm talking about Germany and their fate will be 100% decided during the collapse.

The Arab's are the cousin fucking dune coons and the Israelis are the sodomite dune coons

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