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Ashkenazi Jews = Sodom in the new testament when it does not refer to the destroyed city & it's population

Ashkenazi Jews = Mystery Babylon in the new testament

Ashkenazi Jews = Synagogue of Satan in the new testament

Ashkenazi Jews = Gog & Magog

Any sort of ID or money required by the Ashkenazi Jewish world government to engage in trade = The Mark of the Beast

The biological true Hebrew Israelites are Syrian Palestinians

& the real religious Jews are Christians

All the ills of modern society can be attributed to giving women rights.

I can't stand this bitch. Her whole schtick is "oh look at me, I look White but I'm really Mexican" and it turns out her dad is fully White and her mom looks half White with red hair too.

I have bullion but silver jewelry is underrated, we gift too much gold and not enough silver

@LysanderMooner As gen Z only good times we have is internet where you can watch what you want or play games to cope with life.

Because there is no community. most inns are gone clubs are not interesting. Economy and work sucks. Only thing I cope is internet and food. Best things in our generation that are worthy.

I don't want the good times to end


but its funnyto imagine TFM's future shellshock after he has to watch a rapegang take turns on his waifu
Think they'll come to the burbs or gated communities first ?

You can't hunt coons if you grow watermelon

That's called using a baited field

@Nazareno they're just planting the seeds for the holocaust denial narrative once they've finished off the Palestinians.

"No, there was no genocide of the Palestinians, they never existed. It was all made up by anti-Semites.

Also, 6 Brazilian Jews died in Nazi gas chambers with wooden doors, and if you question it or point out the inconsistencies in the narrative, you're an anti-Semitic Nazi."


7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter.


Does not seem to mention dating in traditional marriage texts

"Traditional dating is gone"

There is no traditional dating. It's by definition progressive, before dating it was courtship under the father's supervision

Just in case anyone was wondering if you see "MAP" in someone's bio, it means "Minor Attracted Person."

This means they're not human and if you bully them into suicide it doesn't even really count because their lives have zero value.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.