@sardonicsmile I started to hate fast food it is long way from what it use to be.
It should be cheap and fast food now it is expensive and decent speed.
But only worth it if you want few burgers for more people like cheese or chicken burger.
Because if you take any menu or different meals you are already losing to pizza or kebab that gives will satiate you more for little cheaper price
Most of the time I in kfc or BK ineed to spend at least 200-300czk 8,65 $-12,98 $ to feel full.
@Pain66 hold my beer.
Women are not retarded, they are super fucking retarded, female logic and accountability dont even exist in the same world. Any bad decision they make, they will always rationalize it as something else that is not what is seems to be and is definitely not their fault. For example, when women want to fuck around untill they get kicked out of the cock carrousel they call this finding themselfs.
So to recap
Woman are not retarded
They are super fucning retarded.
"Yes, the state is evil and illegitimate, but we've GoT tO HaVE sOmEtHinG!"
"ReNDeR UnTo CAeSaR WHaT iS CaeSArS!!"
"If we lose this vote, it's all over!"
"It'll be different this time"
"He promised to ..."
"Thank goodness for the Supreme Court!"
"It's the GrEaTEsT SySTeM In ThE WoRLD!"
"Of By AnD FoR ThE PeOPLe!"
"CoNseNT oF tHe GoVErNeD!"
Follow me for more quotes from the criminally insane and the insanely criminal.
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian