@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey i'd sure as fuck like to know what intel caused them to release this statement in the first place

like i dont believe they'd post this rather than call their people directly like they did with the atf at okc bombing or the lucky people who got the calls to not go in or fly on 911

@Kang_Kong3 @Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey

Fake terrorist attack to prevent large gatherings

Calls voting in a voting booth a large gathering

Need mail order ballots to prevent terrorist attacks that could happen to large gatherings in voting booths

Claim elections were rigged by mail in ballots for the second time

Never mention that news organizations rig voting not ballot smuggling mules

@shortstories @Kang_Kong3 @Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey it is interesting that the people asking for simple things like receipts get tossed in prison

these niggers deserve a real insert-muh-erection

btw i imagine that's what all the illegals are for
a non citizen over throw sanctioned by the rogue state
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