How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated in current year, when people in Ancient Greece already grasped it?

Abrahamic religions really are the worst thing that ever happened to mankind.


@Based_Accelerationist Humans are hardwired for religion. It’s like cursing the fact Humans are hardwire for sleep. It’s completely useless. Religion is also a pillar to uphold a people’s values and inspire the masses

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@Mike_Microwave I'd say humans are hardwired to believe in something and to try to explain what they don't understand. But religion isn't the same as faith, it's an institution that takes ownership of people's beliefs. To say people are hardwired for religion, is the same as saying people are hardwired to be sheep. To an extent I agree, but there are definitely exceptions and I'd like to think it's possible to turn the tide in favor of individualist free thinkers.

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