
How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated in current year, when people in Ancient Greece already grasped it?

Abrahamic religions really are the worst thing that ever happened to mankind.

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@Based_Accelerationist religious people are just NPCs with different coding.

@Mr_Mister Pretty much. I realize that even without religion, people would find a way to deny basic observable reality, the problem is fanaticism. Still Judaism, Christianity and Islam are huge net negatives that are still plaguing humanity to this day.


Answers in Genesis basically admits evolution happens but refuse to call it evolution

They insist on calling it natural selection and artificial selection instead

And these are the "extremist" young earth creationists

Basically almost everyone believes evolution is happening right now even Christians

The debate is if humanity came into existence through a specific list of previous species in a specific order on a specific timeline through a big bang


In my opinion there is no evidence for the big bang nor evidence for the evolutionary timeline and missing links

But there is evidence that life forms experience natural selection in the present to change the frequency of their genetic expressions as a population

This can be done by growing plant crops with artificial selection or putting bacteria or microscopic life forms under different criteria in a culture in the lab


Although I think there is zero evidence for a big bang billions of years ago there is also zero evidence for a young earth creation story 6000 years ago

I do not think science is meant to determine ancient history that far back

Science is meant for making decisions in the present using models

@shortstories Well, there is some evidence of a "big bang", as space is constantly expanding (which suggests that it has one or multiple origins) and there is the constant background radiation seems to originate from such an event. Doesn't mean it's the origin of everything, nor does it answer all that many questions, but it seems probable that something like that happened.

But yes, evolution is much easier to observe and prove.


Red shift does not prove space expansion

Claim - the light frequency decreases and the wave length increases as the source of the light and the observer of the light move away from each other at positive speed proving stars move away from us

The alleged red shift can be caused by multiple factors

Light tends to red shift by greater and greater amounts the farther it travels through a medium

Space is not a empty vacuum with zero density but a low density medium


Red shift is a increase in wavelength and decrease in frequency


There are plenty of scientists who are not young earth creationists who reject the big bang & believe in the possibility of a eternal universe

There is religious bias to reject looking at this possibility

Some Young Earth Creationists like to believe the Big Bang proves god created the universe a finite amount of time ago and then claim the time was dilated / constricted and was thousand of years ago from some way of measuring it but not others

@verita84_2024 No it isn't. Evolution itself is a fact, like gravity. The theories are the explanations as to how it works.


How can you prove evolution when nobody was t here? That's kinda retarded. Nobody on this Earth knows for sure.

Science is always changing. Only a retard would think delicate topics like Evolution and the Big Bang are set in stone


What you have just demonstrated is an entirely faith-based assertion of your certainty that Darwin's evolutionary theory is true. By which you most likely mean natural selection.

You sound like a religious Darwinist. In case you didn't know, there is a growing dissatisfaction with the scientific orthodoxy, & Darwin is under serious challenge by scientists from different disciplines.

Here are 2 accessible examples:

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist You know most of these guys are kikes? Especially author of the main thesis and the published book?
Btw, we can and do observe Darwins evolutionary principles in microbiological life due to it's short life cycle and quickly processing generations.

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

I don't care if 2 out of the 5 are kikes, it's the views being explored I care about here since they are representative of many thousands of scientists who are pulling on the same threads.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist So, uh, what's your opinion on climate change? Agreeing with the consensus too?

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

I could give less of a shit about the noise around that subject and the "solutions" they come up with that just so happen to be communism, every time.

Now go and fuck yourself. Purity tests are for weak assholes.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist Hey, what about covid consensus too? ;D
Are you a fucking fedora tipper? You just care about your pet subject? Have you listened to enough debate bros in your life already? ;D
@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist I'm just a curious person, how hard are we following the science here? Which scientific consensuses are we latching onto? And which scientific counter currents? Are we getting philosophical? Mathematical? Pragmatic? Other? Some eclectic amalgam of few?

Or is it just shitting on Darwinism for whatever reason?

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

How about you start off with the disciplines discussed/represented in those videos? Molecular biology, computational biology, mathematics and geology.

As for philosophy, there have already been considerable philosophical and political downstream effects from Darwinism, mostly via eugenics, which our elites are speedrunning with reckless abandon.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist WTF are political downstream effects from Darwinism? Can you point out some?
@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist I'm not pulling your leg. Wokeism is literally taking off any pressure of people, not to mention one with evolutionary consequences. Faggots would get bullied and fucking die if not protectionism. I can't understand how politics are darwinistic in our times. We literally have medical system designed to pushback death which it the evolutionary impulse on unfit subjects.

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

> WTF are political downstream effects from Darwinism?


Darwinism greatly influenced philosophers, particularly around epistemology and ethics. Nietzsche, William James, Herbert Spencer & Huxley are examples.

Those in turn influence political theory - pragmatism, eugenics, secularism (church vs state).

This is not difficult, and pretending with the whole "WTF?!" is dumb and annoying.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist Yes, influenced, but you claimed something more akin to implementation?
Eugenics, as tragic as it was, saved Sweden for example from genetic collapse due to massive inbreeding.
There's good and bad, as per usual.
Would you claim race realism was inspired by Darwinism too?

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

We have an elite political class and billionaire donor class that are fully bought into Malthusian eugenics and depopulation agendas. Climate change is but one head of that hydra.

Want to know what they want politically and which thinkers they respect? Read their fucking books, they tell you directly.

The line connecting WHO policies to political theories that in turn ultimately inherit from the philosophical implications of Darwinism couldn't be clearer.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist I don't agree, and your explanation is not following, but for sake of this, let's assume these are true.

So in the sense, politicians/overlords/whatever use and abuse parts or all of Darwinism and other mechanism derived/inspired by it. Isn't this a proof that this works and some mathematical disagreement is inconsequential?

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

It's genuinely depressing that this is how you think proof works. It's not.

Elites having a zealot like faith in the theory behind Darwinism and then commandeering the process on the assumption that it's (a) true and (b) they can do it better is proof of nothing. Not inductive or deductive.

It just proves that they're insane psychopathic zealots.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist Neither induction, nor deduction, just causality. They use it because it works.
So, are you white?

@white_male @Based_Accelerationist

"It works" is an assertion, a declaration of faith. Not a proof.

Yes. Now go fuck yourself. I'm done with your purity testing bullshit. The minute you start asking if I'm a Jew or a nigger is the moment I block you.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist It works is a pragmatic declaration. We can even assume it's a black box. We can even assume our understanding of true underlying mechanism is bunk. Even though mechanism that's currently apparent to us is bunk, it does work with given input and produces expected output.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist
Pretty much. There is never a point where scientists stop debating science.

When it's considered "established" by the government, it literally give us gems like the fauci ouchi and gender theory.

@UncleIroh What does any of this have to do with Darwin? I said evolution, like gravity, is undeniable. I didn't say I specifically agree with Darwin's theory (which isn't even the currently accepted version in many regards). I do agree that death is a necessary component of evolution (natural selection), but that's about it.

@Based_Accelerationist Bro don’t bother. @UncleIroh is just another religitard.

He and I had a spat where I asked him to prove his god (Christian) is real and he said “I don’t have to prove anything to you, I know God is real.”

Just don’t bother.

@Mr_Mister @Based_Accelerationist

If I recall, I had to treat you like a kid who wouldn't shut up that his daddy couldn't make his fish talk like Nemo.

You demonstrated zero skill for stringing 2 thoughts together. It was pathetic.


Well now you're just speaking out of the side of your mouth like a sneaky Jew.

> How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated

Darwinism is by far the most common framework that people use when talking about "evolution being debated". Especially without any other qualifiers. That assumption would be like 99.99% of people.

So now you can go fuck yourself with a cactus.

@UncleIroh What... My Judeo Christian guy, first you accuse me of blindly believing a person. I explain to you that evolution, like gravity, is a phenomenon, which is provable and undeniable AND the theories of evolution are a separate thing (including Darwin's) which should be questioned, tested and debated.

And now you call me a Jew for correcting you.

Do better, seriously.


You: > How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated

Also you: > theories of evolution.[..] should be questioned, tested and debated.

You are a whole retard.


> I explain to you that evolution, like gravity, is a phenomenon, which is provable and undeniable

Which part of evolution is provable and undeniable? Natural selection?, Sexual selection? Micro-evolution (in-species change)? Macro evolution (branch changes, new species)?

One of those can be proved. You are a retard.

@UncleIroh Next sunday, instead of going to Church, try putting on a lab coat and observe how bacteria replicates. Or read any book on the subject, it's possible to see the process of evolution in real time.

Natural selection is observable/provable as well. I don't think you understand the concept. It merely states that death (brought by environmental stimuli) determines which traits are passed on. If you breed animals, or study how dog breeds are made, you will see that process in action.

@UncleIroh It's not my fault if you misinterpreted my words.
The concept of evolution itself is undeniable and it's appalling that people debate whether it's real or not. The scientific theories (which explain how the process works) are another thing entirely.

What's retarded is that, despite the fact I've answered you more than once to clear up the difference, you're still acting outraged over it.


> It's not my fault ..

And that just about sums up your character.

You didn't have to add dishonesty, a lack of good faith and a dash of low IQ, but it is what it is.

Lesson learned. I will not engage again.

@UncleIroh You sure are trying hard to act as if I wronged you somehow. Oh HOW could I "mislead" you into thinking I was talking about the theories of evolution and not evolution itself! The humanity!

Meanwhile, I've cleared it up so there's no further confusion and you keep calling people retards and throwing around ridiculous insults.
But sure, I'm the one here in bad faith and with low IQ.

It seems churches sure could use more mirrors.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist Poor little thing thinking that some delusional person can disprove The Theory of Evolution

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist

Dude, as a vegan you're just about qualified to sit in the corner and play with your own feces.

However, I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself: try to complete this jigsaw puzzle without dribbling over yourself.

@Based_Accelerationist Humans are hardwired for religion. It’s like cursing the fact Humans are hardwire for sleep. It’s completely useless. Religion is also a pillar to uphold a people’s values and inspire the masses

@Mike_Microwave I'd say humans are hardwired to believe in something and to try to explain what they don't understand. But religion isn't the same as faith, it's an institution that takes ownership of people's beliefs. To say people are hardwired for religion, is the same as saying people are hardwired to be sheep. To an extent I agree, but there are definitely exceptions and I'd like to think it's possible to turn the tide in favor of individualist free thinkers.

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