We tried doing nothing, and it didn't work. What else are we supposed to do?

@Tfmonkey Ghost. I'm going to ghost so hard that I appear to be the normiest normie.

If Mexican illegal immigrants can stack money and take it with them to Mexico, then we can stack money and GTFO the west. How do you move your money out? Ask the Mexicans how they do it. They will find a way.

We really overcomplicate things sometimes.

@Mongoliaboo You western union cash to a relative who lives in the country, that's it.

@Tfmonkey @Mongoliaboo another good idea is to convert you money to bitcoin and go to a bitcoin friendly country like el salvador or a non western nation


@37712 @Tfmonkey That's all we can do who don't have well-placed and trustworthy family. You can't beat crypto at this. Memorize your words and get on the plane.

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