
What is going on here? Is this a symbolic metzitzah bpeh?

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@Stahesh @Mongoliaboo

The Pope has welcomed Anti Christian Judaism into the Catholic Church and Orthodox Jews like the pope do things that should be illegal to babies

@shortstories @Stahesh @Mongoliaboo It has always been illegal to tape babies. Guess someone has to call the pope police to arrest the pope, maybe submit an in resolution and pray it's not vetoed by Israel/America.

@Zeb @Stahesh @Mongoliaboo

Is the Pope subject to Italian law or is he immune to it because he is in the Vatican & is he in charge of Vatican law?

@shortstories @Stahesh @Mongoliaboo The latter. That's why the Vatican is it's own country, so everyone there is immune to the law.

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