
@VooDooMedic Summary: they found the uncanny valley, and they brought a shovel to dig it deeper.

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@Mongoliaboo just imagine it inside a TPE sexdoll ☠️☠️☠️

@VooDooMedic @Mongoliaboo

Some people have said that some of the robot videos are fake and designed to make them look more capable then they are

@shortstories @Mongoliaboo don't care the fact that it stands and walks at all means that it has the ability to determine its balance and orientation and it's also able to move and see objects that is the first step because the hardest part about robots and making them stand is the stabilizers the feet so the fact that we can see this robot getting up from a complete laying down position is a massive achievement especially with the size of the Robot it's not big clunky it is Slim

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