How to walk away from society:

- Leave the country
- Do no enlist
- Do not get married
- Do not volunteer your time or donate your money
- Do not consoom
- Do not vote for Feminists
- Do not help people who vote against you
- Homeschool your children
- Do not go to college
- Live off-grid


- Do not talk politics
- Do not follow news
- Grow/hunt your food

@redmaple @Mr_Mister I disagree with not following news. A lot of it is demoralizing propaganda but I'd encourage people to regularily consume it and become resistant to it. Helps with long term life strats as well. Stuff still tilts me pretty hard but I'd rather know.

@WaveClearMid @redmaple I agree. Ignorance may be bliss but it is not a virtue


@WaveClearMid @redmaple

Avoid debt at all costs.

It's one of 2 things keeping me in this country.

@basedbagel @Mr_Mister @WaveClearMid @redmaple If you leave the country for good, who cares about your debt? Will they send mossad after you to collect your first born foreskin?


@Zeb @basedbagel @WaveClearMid @redmaple Yeah I seriously thought of getting a loan then fucking off to some third-world country.

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@Mr_Mister @basedbagel @WaveClearMid @redmaple
It's a great plan if you are fully committed to not coming back home for many years. It's not something to be taken lightly never knows when hyperinflation will hit, might take decades


@Mr_Mister @WaveClearMid @redmaple

As a business owner, i still need access to certain American banks, finance apps and systems to function smoothly.

But I suppose if you can take the risk that's fine

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