
Been watching Breaking Bad clips on YouTube and remembered that normies are so stupid and inconsiderate that they would throw pizzas on the roof of the lady’s house that was used as Walt’s in the show. It happened so frequently she had to put up a sign and notify the town. Normies are so stupid

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Why would you throw pizzas on the roof of a house

@Mr_Mister I only wished their "rebellious" acts weren't driven out of a necessity to conform, but the very opposite.

They love to pretend they're rebels when it's socially acceptable, like when they scream or throw drinks over a sports match. But it's all a show, because when the people with money and power tell them to bend the knee, they gladly do it and try to prevent anyone else from rebelling.

It's "Cool" to conform, that's why they throw the pizza and not out of sheer will.

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