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@Tfmonkey “If you’re gonna kill your self at least make the world a better place on your way out.”

Whenever a man takes it, whether the easy way or the hard way.

You heard it hear folks a nigger thinks every other nigger is a criminal just for being a nigger

This faggot really thinks that killing all civilians who belong to the same race/group of people you’re fighting isn’t genocide. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

This government would rather give Boomers their fucking social security and niggers welfare than actually fund science and advance the country. There is so many new world-changing discoveries and they go nowhere because there’s no funding and the media doesn’t cover it. And no one cares.

All these fucking people will bitch about healthcare this and surgeries that, but will be a roadblock to actual progress like CRISPR therapies, stem cells, and anthrobots. Fuck this society.


Average experience when talking about the negro community.

The dipshit masses will be like “yeah that totally makes sense” 🤡🌎

@Tfmonkey You were right about the robot vacuums. This is just from one day.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.