I remember back in the blue pill days I had a coworker tell me he was going to commit a crime to be more attractive to women.

I laughed in his face and told him how stupid it sounded.

One petty crime later and he had a girlfriend.

He who laughs last laughs best.

I learned a valuable lesson that day.

@basedbagel if you kill him his girl will love you more. Those are the crime rules.

@ButtWorldsMan I've reached my quota on psychotic thots.

I'd rather fuck with a goth bitch

@MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan That was a JOKE!

I was using hyperbole to make a point.

I never have fucked a goth bitch and I never will and it disappoints me that so many of my followers don't stand with me on that but its okay.


@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan look at this heretic! @Scubbie I bet he's never even eaten out a sand encrusted hymen devouring desert coon

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