@Tfmonkey audiobook when? 😂
@AKEmon869 it's less about that and more that the answer of the paradox changes the outcome. If they always lie then they are telling the truth now but that means they are lying about "always lying" but if they are lying about it now then they are telling the truth but if they are telling the truth they are lying and so on
@AKEmon869 there is a difference.
the statement presupposes that the person has lied all the time to this point, when he says he always lies he is telling the truth and yet by telling the truth he is lying because that means he does not always lie. So when the statements is true it is actually false, but when its false its true.
@AKEmon869 paradox can also be shifting logic depending on the answer. The sentence "I always lie" is a good example as if its true then its false and if its false then its true.
@37712 same, hopefully AMR is working to improve it
@kaiservenom NPC just means a person following some basic programming, you can see it even with red pilled people, the moment you mention a topic tied to their identity like religion, they revert to NPC mode.
a normie is just a person unaware of what is going on or not caring much about it