They know they're the problem, and they're hoping you don't realize it as society collapses. . .

. . . then they'll blame you for not doing enough to stop it.

@Tfmonkey That's a sleight of hand, a deception aimed to create a false moral dilemma between the survival of your people and the dignity of women.

Not education is the problem, but progressive liberal values. Both in the medieval Eastern Roman Empire and in medieval Japan literacy was widespread and yet there were no such issues prompted by female misbehavior. Not educating women is the issue, but liberal progressive egalitarian values (equal rights women, feminism, etc.).

Speaking of Japan. See how the introduction of progressive liberal values by the American occupation in post-war Japan sent Japan on a death spiral that is still ongoing.

@irie_new @Tfmonkey part of those progressive liberal tenants has to include higher education for all women, especially in the form of separating woman from man (becoming 'independent'), and woman to the state (becoming statists). TFM is still right, you're just acting like the feminist moderates that TFM talks about who'll defend the sanctity of women's rights meanwhile fertility rates will continue to plummet and 'patriarchal' immigrants will replace us all.

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