@Pain66 damn they literally going after each other too, it shows that even if you leave these crazy ppl in their safe space echo chambers like Twitter they eventually turn on each other. The only safe space these ppl can be in is in jail or insane asylum.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @Pain66 My favorite part about this is the "stay in your lane" part, like implying they ever stay in their lane

@NEETzsche @37712 @Pain66 The weak have a thousand ways to say "shut up and let me win" and only slightly fewer ways to say "help me, I'm retarded"

@Pain66 what fucking native science exists? "when sky bright body hot?" :joyy:

@Pain66 lol, when the American Virgin Islander I work with told me,it was indigenous peoples day,wanting me to let him go home early.I said didn’t that start in Atlanta as Freak’nik,he started laughing and said man what you know bout that.I said it got canceled so I just assumed it was renamed,because Twerk-a-thon was already taken,He said I was crazy as hell and couldn’t stop laughing.

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