@Engineer Of COURSE you're going to rattle off clear misinterpretations as gotchas! Hhahaha and you have the gall to call me predictable?! Hhahahaa noooo... ANOTHER boomer fail.
@Engineer my claim initially was to test your faithlessness with the question of where you ground your morals from?
You then move the goal post when I cornered you to; "but morality not real when ho0mans not present." social construction argument... Total strawman.
@Engineer Oh yeah. Jesus Christ is just another jüden psy-op trick...which is WHY pharisees had him crucified and still write about how much they hate Him.
No anthropologists can deny His existence either (i.e.list of 500 martyrs that saw Christ around Golgotha for 40 days post resurrection).
@Engineer Your entire demeanor is the average boomer: "mUh sKy dAdDy".
Absolute adolescent rebelliousness.
@Engineer I've made caveats for the assumptions I've made about you.
I find it really rich that you complain about my presuppositions; did you gather all that straw up yourself?... because that last sentence (not the gotcha you think it is anyways), is quite the strawman you've built and attacked.
@PatriarchsHittingMarks You're not saying anything I haven't heard before, and you're making a lot of assumptions (that are wrong) about me. Its all too trite and predictable. TLDR you need a sky genie to feel good and need to be commanded/told what and how to think to function at even a base level. But no matter how much it pains you, it is a fact that reality is without morality and exists independent of such silly human concepts.
@Engineer This only breeds nihilism and does not answer any questions. You relegate self to being plasmic amalgamations of cosmic stardust.
If you truly believe in no Creator, then you're willingly blinding yourself to understanding the creation...as well as ANY eschatological teachings.
If you were a logically consistent SeKo0Lar h0oMaNiSt/atheist (almost oxymoronic), you would ky family and self. Descendants of bacteria would LOVE to find me as faithless and lost at sea, as them.
There is no 'cancel culture' in Russia or China. Who are they talking to?
They're talking to you, Cancel Culture is a pure weapon of the Bolsheviks.
Know who your enemy is and it is not China or Russia.
In fact, they will ally with you to get rid of "Nuland"
Patriarchy is Inevitable @whatever @The_Crucible https://youtube.com/shorts/cWXnRgWaQb4?si=uS0UVH5ryHuBl18n
Andrew Wilson convincing Lauren Chen that patriarchy is the answer.
Mononucleosis ( spelling? )
@AscotMan They earn the disdain and ridicule every day they open their mouths. Shows/streams like Fresh and Fit and Whatever podcast are the new ground zero for exposure of waHmUn's pathology.
Let them prattle and yap for long enough, and they tell on themselves.
Civilization too advanced for niggers.
Send them back home, africa is waiting