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BASED Trump speaks the truth: "Israel has hypnotized the world. May Allah awaken the people..."

There is One Thing i am not worried about and that is the Harmless Solar Eclipse. :)
This is how animals feed their kids, not at all how humans do it. Also like the guy said, great job moron, instead of just doing the dishes you decided to waste $50 worth of aluminum foil.
@PatriarchsHittingMarks LUCKY LARRY STRIKES AGAIN!

Is this the same guy who cashed in on the twin towers crashing

@PatriarchsHittingMarks No worries, fe-fails are cringe inducing these days. Can't catch a break from them. :DisappointedPepe:

I Remember Back in November 2018, i was close to passing away, My Sinuses Were Broken, My Right Eye Was Bulging out of my skull and My Left one was swollen shut. On Top of that, i had a infection that if it went to brain i would not be here right now. So For that reason, every single day i am thankful to be alive. :)
@DutchBoomerMan @Darbzilla Frankly there's not telling what these kikes might do at this point. Mask is off, gloves are off, Pissrael is creeping up on the cursed 80 year mark.

They're already committing an open genocide and kikes everywhere have gone full psychopath.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.