State of Georgia Vs. Denver Fenton Allen. Rick and Morty Version. Nice rewatch. Color Version.
@sardonicsmile Sicilians are a flavor of Kike....we are the closest living relatives of Ashkenazi jews....But we are also from Palermo....our family cant figure out if we are jewish, or just semitic..
@Tfmonkey Can we cover "The Dreyf/us Affair" on the next saturday show? very interesting topic about an Alsatian-Jewish admiral in the french army, supposedly caught exposing french military secrets to enemies. Lets see, is TFM a Dreyfusard, or Anti-Dreyfusard.....absolutely relevant as the Dreyfus family is one of the cathedrals sweetheart families...Elaine Benes from Seinfeld......
@Tfmonkey what the hell do you mean by soda can dick? like the bunched up skin makes it look like a crushed soda can? God thats fucking gross.
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