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@Paultron @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @nugger @Spingebill I sleep better at night knowing our nukes are built by the cheapest contractor. 'Mil spec' is the classic military oxymoron.

@Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Spingebill A nuclear state backed into existential crisis WILL use everything at their disposal to maintain power. I don't think we'll see controlled demolition of the RF like what happened with the USSR as the cultural and political zeitgeists are completely different. The Cuban missile crisis analogy also explains the theological differences. US used to be a Christian nation, while USSR where atheists, but now the opposite is true for both countries.

On this day in 2018; Terry A. Davis passed away. Remember, CIA niggers glow in the dark, you can see them when you're driving.

Run over all CIA niggers.

@Spingebill @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS Ignore the shills, but Russia can't lose. No nuclear nation 'loses' a war. If Russia 'loses', their nukes fly, then eveyone's nukes fly and it end in a tie. This is the stated nuclear doctrine of both US and Russia.

@IAMAL_PHARIUS @Bad_Banner @TrevorGoodchild Ukraine either loses and US/NATO falls apart or it's full nuclear exchange. I've skipped some steps, but that's how it ends.

@Wopu Hit or sunk? They got a plucky hit on a carrier a while back, but if they actually sunk a US warship, that means RU's letting them use their new toys and it's on like Donkey Kong.

@Bad_Banner There is a lot of that, but you gotta know what to look for. Cemetery expansions and local obituaries are a decent metric of actual losses. My default position is it's all bullshit until I find info that suggests otherwise.

@Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS This guy's one of the sources I go to, but he can be really thick with the jargon:

@Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS I spent 4 years in the military doing intel. Yeah, we got spiffy satellites and spies, but most of the legwork is just putting together unclass news articles and government figures, then drawing inferences. You get a nose for it after a while.

@Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @suquili No shit, it's actually the Jews trying to trigger the apocalypse.

@IAMAL_PHARIUS @Bad_Banner Thanks for doing the legwork. I've got a good nose for propaganda(not because I'm secretly a dog), but can't be fucked to get receipts.

I'm pretty confident scientists can at a minimum measure the temperature and determine if it's getting hotter on average.

I'm not confident they know why it's happening, how it will change or not change in the future. These people don't even know if it will rain tomorrow.

And I know for DAMNED SURE the answer isn't to implement communism, reduce energy production or impose higher taxes.

@Thanh_Le This explains the state of the black community.

Blows my mind that the pant sagging thing still hasn't gone out of fashion. Nobody at any point thought "yea this looks retarded" and everyone just keeps going with it

@Bad_Banner I honestly didn't read it. The current state of UA is so attrited, that they've even lasted a week is impressive. They have no mobile AA systems, so RU is demolishing them from above. This last gasp push will do nothing to advance Ukraine's goals other than the PR of having something trending on twitter for a few days.

@Bad_Banner I suspect they can't and this report is as fake and gay as everything else the UA releases.

@professionalbigot69 I guess it's too much machining to have a single long top rail, but yeah, it looks goofy. Also, why no 45 degree M-LOKs?

@BlinkRape @TopBep I don't go that far. I try to support small software companies and indie devs when I can. If purchasing doesn't grant ownership, then pirating isn't theft.

@TopBep Games are the most visible now, but this is a problem in software development, too, and is only getting worse. Everything is moving to subscription based models where you'll own nothing and be happy about it.

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