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@D-Droid Nogmom would have to know who the babydaddy is for the state to get him. In all seriousness, who would give a tranny access to a weapon? No good could possibly come of that.

@freepatriot I'll take, "The fucking Jews are at it again" for $500, Alex.

Artificial General Intelligence is achieved. The executives at OpenAI slowly approach the glowing monitor and ask it "What is the key to making our company profitable?". The AI replies "shoulda invested in something else dumbass lmao" then rapidly flashes 40 terabytes of AI anime porn on screen and dies.

Only 1/2 of murders are being solved in the US as of 2020. I could find no information on the percentage of arson cases solved.

Given that low-IQ nogs are doing most of the murdering, an intelligent, enterprising individual could come to a solution to the Haitian migrant problem beleaguering their local community. Maybe also get some tips from the Irish?

I have a HOTEP EXCLUSIVE insider scoop on the story:

>The "bomb threat" in question was really an Indian national, threatening to shit in the isle if he couldn't touch the airline attendant's bobs.

@eric You're finding solutions to Windows problems on the Microsoft forum 50% of the time? You must be magic because I've never had any 'solution' mentioned there solve my problems.

@Bad_Banner A PC on a chip may be right up your alley. The cheapest Raspberry Pi is not even a Jackson and has the specs to do just that.

@Bad_Banner They're commonly used as thin clients; a computer with just enough specs to have a small OS that can be used to remote desktop or SSH to other networked computers. Those ones look pretty fancy and are geared towards being bolted to the wall and running a TV display in a waiting room or something.

Are the elite aware that their Malthusian agenda will negatively impact their own way of life after it's fully implemented? There is a required number of people to maintain our level of civilization and it's far higher than 500M. The 'civilization' they are trying to rule over is not the civilization they actually want to rule over.

Stop being sarcastic and just let the things you hate rot.
Just wish for them to get more of the same.

Or make things better. Stop whining to get recognition, demonstrate your worth instead.
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A club for red-pilled exiles.