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@shortstories It's common knowledge about the inbreeding in section 8 housing in the US. Every single mom's niglets are from the same drug dealer and their kids end up fucking each other. It's worse than Alabama ever was.

We do not trust strangers by default. We do not expect police to protect us or our possessions. We do not expect ambulance to come in time and save your life. We do not expect to get a fair trial. We do not expect schools to teach kids useful things. We do not trust the media. We do not trust anything the government says. We do not expect roads to not have pot holes. We do not expect public transportation to be on time. If this is not living in a decaying society, then I do not know what is.

vanilla is delicious, and using the word to mean "standard" or "unmodded" is an insult to this exotic flavorsome spice
Before you embark on a journey of pair programming dig two graves.

— Confucius (551-479 BC)

@Hoss @jeffcliff Be sure to take your 27th booster, L. We're all in this together.

Before I went the self-employed route, I briefly worked at Boeing. It is WAY worse than depicted in the media. Like, by orders of magnitude. We were burdened with not one, but two diversity hires in my department, Conceptual Analysis under the Aerodynamics group. One, a know-nuffin nigger literally named Jamal, accidently corrupted terabytes of CFD data because he did not know what he was doing. His degree was from some kind of ober-watered down engineering fundamentals program at Tuskeegee, as was our new boss who replaced our PhD boss when he retired, a loudmouthed, disrespectful negress with zero aero background. After she lied to upper management about Jamal's fuckup, blaming us; of the five of us, the two in the group who were Asian elected to 'take responsibility' for it, and were outright fired. We three of us remaining resigned in protest the moment sheboon broke the news to us, bragging that we 'were next'. In unison, we grabbed our shit, went to HR, handed over our badges and walked out. That was 2.5 years ago. Last we heard, the Aero Conceptual Analysis branch is still in total disarray. Let them eat cake.

Given how fucked up they are, we feel vindicated. Of us three, one went to another OEM, and other one and I took a gamble, headed to TX and went into business with two friends in the area. It is a lot of long hours nowadays, but it's the best decision I ever made.


@shortstories That's a possibility. Areas where that's likely to happen are areas that are already lost, such as the cities. I would hope that small town sheriffs are more attuned to the needs of their community.

@UncleIroh If they were open sourced, they'd probably be more accurate, but it would give the game away.

It's got all all the religious trappings. Al Gore and Co as the priests, CO2 as the devil, and global warming for the apocalypse prophesy.

@notabnormal If reading the works of wise historical men has taught me anything, it's never consider a woman's opinion on anything other than raising small children as anything of value.

Oh so the Alex Jones “ducks are free you can take them home” meme was real funny but now that some impoverished melanated refugees do it it’s some kind of crime? The double standards on here, I swear.
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A club for red-pilled exiles.