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@JoshuaSlocum @BigTLarrity @RichardJohnson I've got a Hotpoint circa 1956 that's still pumping out ice cold brewskies and suffocating children that play hide and seek in it. We don't build 'em like we used to.

@Shadowman311 2023:
>the neighbouring nigger's pitbull just mauled and ate my cat
>the neighbouring pitbull's nigger just mauled and ate my cat

You would think that the IRS would pick up the phone since I'm trying to give them the money they force me to, but I guess they have better things to do. They're probably all fingering their poop chutes and eating paint chips.

@PNS At least this guy's now a genetic dead end. He will not be missed.

The Taylor Swift endorsement of Kamala really sums up the state of things.

The multi-millionaire childless cat lady celeb who lives in a hyper insulated elite bubble endorses [insert puppet] because something something LGBT rights.

We live in a society of perpetual 16 year olds.

Taylor Swift doesn't have to worry about budgeting her paycheck to afford groceries, rent, car payment, utilities let alone things for children like diapers, formula, and doctor visits. She doesn't have to worry if the store or shop she works at is going to close up because the economy is tanking. She can perform another song about a bad ex-boyfriend that some Jew ghost wrote and make more millions.

But hey she's done "her research" and LGBT rights is the pinnacle concern of the era...

@nugger Your posts give us comfort in these trying times. Godspeed, Sir!

@dictatordave @PNS The only consequence women face are being concubines for invaders. Women are never held to account for their actions.

@SMetzeler @francesca111 Your mistake was arguing with a woman. Women's opinions on anything not related to domestic work and child rearing should be disregarded.

@deprecated_ii @Humpleupagus If it's an EVGA PSU, they've been fucking with the cable design and you can end up sending 12v to 3.3v devices, frying them instantly. May need to take a multimeter to it.

The government dropped off 20k Haitians in a small town of 60k people. It’s hard to even grasp how many Haitians that is so let’s break it down. If you had a Halo 1 assault rifle with unlimited ammo, you could fire about 500 rounds per minute. Assuming each haitian takes an average of 3 rounds to go down, it would take 2 straight hours of holding down the right trigger on your Xbox controller.

@Justicar Maybe after the USSA falls, we can have something nice like that. Even if someone could wrangle all the kernel devs to all play nicely with each other, feds have huge incentive to sneak backdoors into the core.

Sure, FOSS and all, but with a single project to contribute to, feds can just buy off/inject devs and have them push whatever the feds want into the core. I'm paranoid enough to type this out but not even I compile kernels from source and examine the code.

@Justicar I like the current environment. If everything was unified, feds would make it all fake and gay just like Microshit. I honestly think it's better way.

In celebration of Cirno day, I froze all my lines of credit. Should've done it ages ago, but better late than never.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.