
Am starting to think, woman will never lose their right, even kn a collapse, the simps will enforce it.

Sure you will mention Afghanistan but, theh muslim, America is majority christian, and they love to be cucked.

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@RodrickSage Take heart, all good things take time.

The system is unsustainable.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @RodrickSage religion adapts to culture as much as culture adapts to religion. The West's flavor of christcuckholdry is a product of 100 years of feminism as much as feminism is a product of slave morality.

It's all a reinforcing cycle of values, but just as America changed from a country that valued freedom to one that valued equality, what changed once can change again.

@RodrickSage I kind of agreed what you are saying while there Is Police or Military woman never going to lose their rights

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