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@VeganMGTOW am just saying, they keep telling us it bad for us, but the brain needs it.

Its Official, TFM is going to India and bath in the shit river. i told you he loves that shit race.

Some dude talking about, " it's hard to find a reason to live. " And am like, " What about cheese? theres so many types of cheese, one even has HAIR! " And they time me out...

People even hate the fact that, they have to create their reason to live... secretly i want to live to old age to piss on the grave of the normies.

@amerika @shortstories the people demanded it, they just provided, " guided " to want, what they wanted.

the entire presidencial debate was wrote by Vince McMahan.

@shortstories They made Jew a protected people, to protect themselves.

@shortstories good Question, maybe they are using Jews and meat shields, like they use woman and black.

The presidencial debate was just how WWE promo. this was horrible.

@shortstories The people who wanted control or people who control everything. i don't thing the regime had power in that time, they needed woman to get in power.

@shortstories they had a lot of influence and simple, to concentrate power.

@UncleIroh who knows, if Kamala wins she going to send them to jail all the blacks lol.

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