A Boomer Libtard at lunch today insisted that Islam was a religion of peace and Muslims do NOT want to kill Christians.

I guess it must just be my imagination.

He said fuck the Jews, though.

@RoninGrey It's about time the Christians leave this earth and go meet Jesus. All they do here is give their money and blood to israel and prevent us from fixing the real issues.


@Zeb This is exactly what I was referencing. The vast majority of "Christians" have caused huge problems in their stupidity and so when someone says "Eradicate them all!" everyone's going to jump on board. And I don't even blame them. But if you lump me in with these CINOs and come after me personally, you're gonna find out.

Like @Islamisright said (to paraphrase and recontextualize), we can let the afterlife sort us out. For now, I'm trying to be part of the solution.

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