
Election year -- They release a version of Epstein's client list but it just shows a bunch of Republicans and they will throw us a bone by throwing in a few Democrat sacrificial lambs. The rest will be kept secret.

Maybe Trump is on the list, either real or added.

Either way, the effect is the same. These days all it takes is an accusation to end someone, even if they're acquitted. And if acquitted, it's always too late to make up what was lost.

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@RoninGrey I also think it's way too good to be true. No way it's the real list. They've already held on to it for too long for it to be believable. They could have had dozens of artists examine the handwriting, forge a new, one, and picked the best forgery.

@Mongoliaboo Probably got Weta Digital to do the special effects. They take forever, bit damn they're good.

But in seriousness, I expect the "list" to be computer files. Emails, photos, videos, texts, etc. Not sure they can "release" anything incriminating to the public aside from emails and texts and blurred images.

That said, we can even falsify live video these days, so all I'd expect is complete chaos, with the only real change being Republican candidates losing support.

@RoninGrey I was expecting a hand-written notebook because Epstein is a boomer.


Just another FBI op. The names will of course be mostly Trump + allies.

I'll be watching Ryan Dawson to see what he has to say.

@RoninGrey It's not the client list. It's the associate list. Anyone saying it's the clients is retarded or lying.

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